Wednesday 10 June 2009

On the hoof

Got to be quick as am catching a cab (read: meeting others to sit in back of dusty pickup for 10 minute drive back to hotel) but basically: snorkelling here is The Bomb. Apart from the jellyfish. They are the opposite of the The Bomb. They are The Extinguisher. But other than them, we had an amazing day. Blissful. Falling asleep after a delicious lunch in the cool shade of an open-sided beach hut, then pottering ten feet to the water's edge for a snorkel in the most fantastic coral reefs, surrounded by tiny Finding Nemo fish and those very thin, transluscent things with long hooter noses that I find strangely cute. I had a black and white stripey fish who became quite fond of me and followed me around for about twenty minutes. It was all heavenly. But then you see a man riding by on a horse, leading two other horses to hire out for tourist beach rides, and, thirty feet behind, a tiny foal following, clearly thirsty and tired. And then the man dismounts and the foal starts drinking milk from its mum, the horse that the man's just been riding, and it's all very wrong to my over-sensitive Western eyes.

It's been a blissful day though, and I feel a million miles from UK politics. I still have no idea about the result of the European elections although I just saw on the MSN homepage here that Gordon is considering electoral reform. Great news, although it seems hilariously unimportant now. The Handmaid's Tale is as good as I knew it would be, I still haven't got sunburned through continual application of factor 30, as a result I'm not changing colour much, but really, other than that, I have nothing on my mind, which is heavenly, and I still have another six days to go. Insh'allah.

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