Tuesday 5 December 2006

Gossip from Ramsay Street

At approximately 1.51pm this afternoon I was watching Neighbours. Good old Max Hoyland was on screen, talking awkwardly (for a number of reasons) to his wife, Steph. Fairly eager to escape an uncomfortable conversation, he employed a device known to us all - the distraction technique. Pretending to need to get away so that one can attend to an urgent matter is a time-honoured classic. We've all said we have to hang up the phone because our bath's about to overflow, our cat has just brought in a squirrel or we've got Paul Daniels popping round for a quick magic lesson. But in all my time, I've never heard anyone use the technique with as much bravura as Max this afternoon. His chosen parting comment?
"Well, that compost isn't going to water itself."

I kid you not. Sometimes I wonder if the whole thing isn't just made up for our entertainment.

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