Sunday 19 December 2010

I was bored and sang a song

Santa Baby by Lost Looking For Fish


  1. Anonymous12:20

    Yay, clapping and stuff like that.
    Although I am quite horribly jealous because I've always wanted to be able to sing but getting within about half an octave of the note I was aiming for is a rare achievement.

  2. chloe14:59


  3. chloe15:01

    The comment thing just came up with the word "rearyse" to check that I'm a real person. Rear arse to you, too. I like this random word generator a lot.

  4. Anonymous10:31

    This looks like a familiar idea ;-)
    Can't wait to listen to it. My musical contribution has been delayed this year to disorganisation. Unless I can learn to play my brother's ukulele over Christmas.

  5. Thanks to everyone for their nice comments - and particularly to Thom, without whose inspiration I would *never* have had the idea to sing a song...

    To the first Anon - you can learn to sing, I swear. Everyone can. Mail me if you want some info re. adult classes.

  6. Anonymous13:14

    Happy to be a constant source of inspiration.
