Wednesday 31 January 2007

Unfit for serious discussion

Last night I went to the ICA and watched Iraq in Fragments, a feature-length film shot last year which shows life in Iraq from the viewpoint of a Sunni boy, some Shi'ite men and a Kurdish grandfather. I admit my attention did wander at times, and I was certainly distracted by the unopened packet of Wine Gums in my bag, but the film was undeniably a valuable insight into the situation in Iraq and I'm extremely glad I saw it. Yet, however much I'd love to comment further, however much I'd love to feel that I have something to add to the piles of material already available in the media about serious news issues, the truth is that I'm better at talking about what I know rather than spouting off half-baked opinions about other people's fragments.

Taking that into account, I would like to record that a) having struggled valiantly through Billy Blanks' Basic Tae-Bo Workout on Monday morning, my left shoulder is still in an irritating amount of gainless pain; b) I spilled a small drop of an oily substance onto my new tan boot yesterday while washing up, adding fuel to my already-raging anti-cleaning fire; c) I have just realised that my lap is actually around twice as wide as my laptop, a realisation that has sent me spiralling into the depths of desolation. The solution should be more Billy Blanks and/or Rodney Yee, but I fear it might be simpler to buy a larger laptop.

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