Thursday 23 August 2007

Granny lovin’

Evidently my blog is becoming morose and maudlin so I will do my best to perk things up around here.

Everyone seems to be gossiping about the new findings concerning elderly sex lives. Apparently there is still a perception that once people become grey and wrinkly, they are so unattractive, even to other grey and wrinkly people, that they no longer have any use for a sex stroll, let alone a drive.

But no – the BBC and other media agencies today covered a study from, I believe, Chicago, that proved through the wonders of statistics that grey and wrinkly people still enjoy a quick how’s your father every now and then – with 26% of those aged between 75 and 85 claiming to have had ‘sex with a partner’ at least once in the last year. And who knows what the figures may have been if the questioner had left out the ‘with a partner’ suffix? I can just picture fictional Albert, 81, absent-mindedly scratching his chest and saying, ‘Oh, with a partner you say? Oh dear, well, that takes my tally right down to just the once.’

I can’t deny that I gagged gently on my Pret tuna salad when I read that half of those surveyed up to age 75 reported having oral sex, but I think that’s just (cunni?)lingering immaturity. And it’s not all upbeat and orgiastic: around the same number of participants said that they had a ‘bothersome’ sexual problem, with fourteen percent of men using supplements or medicine to help erectile difficulties. Still, largely it means that, as long as you’ve got someone to have it with, sex is, on the whole, a lot more likely for grey and wrinkly people than we might have thought – and certainly more likely than we’d like to think about. Which is surely a good thing.

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