Wednesday 5 November 2008

Breaking news...

Right. Obama's just got Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. This is, apparently, pretty conclusive. And actually, I've just seen some footage of McCain saying goodbye to the press on his campaign plane after his last pre-election speech, and I was struck with a pang of pity for him. He's a sweet old guy. Non-existent-god forbid he should be in charge of the US, but... what a lot of work for nothing. But that's the nature of the beast I guess.

Barack's got Delaware and Massachusetts, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland... they're all flooding in now. McCain's got Tennessee. The Democrats have 77 electoral college votes, McCain has 27. The BBC's panelist, Tad someone, says that 'Effectively the game is over.' There's nothing to keep me watching except the thought of scenes of victory and mirth and jubilation in parks and bars all over the US - and the gorgeous Matt Frei whose appeal never wanes for me. If I can just... press... the green button... on my remote...

Maine, New Jersey, both for Obama... The man who's the new young version of Peter Snow on all the technology stuff is struggling with the technology stuff. It's all a bit too clever for its own good. Obama on 103, McCain on 34.

Must go. My eyes are stinging now. But I want to see what happens in Florida. Such a kick to the Republicans after the Jeb Bush fiasco. Ha. Ooh, a new woman has joined the panel on the Beeb. Who's that? Aren't they clever, rotating people so frequently? Weak, pathetic people like me get sucked in and then can't turn off the TV. Then I'll fall asleep at my desk tomorrow and be made redundant and it'll all be the BBC's fault. Maybe I'll sue.

Oh my god, there's a boys' choir murdering 'Consider yourself at home' from Oliver in Pennsylvania. How bizarre. Am I tripping?

It's time for bed.

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