Monday 17 September 2007

238 down, 762 to go...

Stephen King advises aspiring authors to churn out a bare minimum of 1000 words a day. He recommends doing the churning in the morning - Stephen's personal preferred timeslot is between 8-12. Sounds like a delightful plan and all well and good if you have a wealthy spouse, a bulging trust fund or enough money from your previous 35 books to support you. For the rest of us, it's more of a challenge to find a time when creativity, inspiration and availability coincide.

Personally, my job is currently breaking previous records when it comes to resources drained. Due to complete under-stimulation, standing up to get a plastic cup of water has become a feat requiring staggering strength and resiliance. Refilling the printer is a task so insurmountable that it demands the mental equivalent of a six-man team, oxygen masks and, perhaps, some huskies. Thus I find myself having to write at a time when a) it appears that nothing funny or of note has happened to me for several lifetimes and b) even if it had, the energy and inspiration needed to remark upon it online seems as out of reach as the Man Booker.

Still, I force myself to try, create something mediocre at best on the questionable principle that something is better than nothing, and move on to the next part of my eternal day. Even thinking about bird nappies isn't cheering me up. Mondays suck.

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