Wednesday 6 February 2008

Reality frights

OK. You know when something seems like a really good idea, and then you think, 'Hang on, am I just getting carried away?' and so you really think about it, and you decide that no, you really are sure that it's a good idea, and then it happens and even though you double-checked that you were sure about it, when it actually happens, you're like, 'Shit.'? Well that happened to me yesterday when a contact from our New York office was emailing me about the New York Half Marathon and explaining that booking doesn't actually open until about three months before the event, and I was complaining and saying that it's really hard because you a) don't know whether to start training and b) don't know whether to book your flights and if you leave them to 12 weeks before they'll be much more expensive. And then, quick as a flash, she emailed back and said that if I couldn't get in through the normal channels then she had a contact who would definitely get me a place. And suddenly, just like that, I appear to be committed to running a half marathon at the end of July. I know, I know, I said I was going to do it. But still, I'm slightly in shock. I've run for 45 minutes with no training whatsoever. Surely running for 2.5 hours won't be that much harder? Oh god. I'm going to die, aren't I? Well, at least I'll die in New York - there's a certain glamour to that which will console me as I lie sweating on the pavement in Central Park, metres from the starting line, and start to see my life flash before my eyes.

Sticking with the US of A, Super-Duper Tuesday has been and gone and really, none of us are much the wiser. Still, I'm seeing someone for dinner tonight who is bringing along a selection of polling data from the Democratic nomination process so we will analyse that and perhaps I'll be full of gripping insight tomorrow. What I do know is that, of those polled, over double the number of respondents felt that Hillary would cope better with the economy than Obama - so given yesterday's bad financial news and negative predictions, that's surely a boost for HRC. But it's certainly not over yet. In other news, Tesco have just announced their first £1.99 chicken which makes me feel wrong inside. I drank too much white wine last night, had a boozy lunch this afternoon and may well indulge in an alcoholic beverage this evening. Combined with my carb-heavy food intake of late, my post-work trip to the gym will have to be extra-efficient. And Laura and I have spent the last ten minutes discussing which animals we're going to have in the Baby Animal Petting Zoo that we are going to set up under my desk for quiet moments during the working day. Top of our Wish List at present are a baby panda, a baby polar bear and a box of Dalmatian puppies. Any submissions welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous09:31

    Jane, that's amazing! Trust me, you're NOT going to die. If I can run, you most certainly can as well. And every time training is tough, think about how great it will feel to finish your race, and how much 'greater' it will feel to brag about it (which will be you every full right!!).

    Do you know that baby pandas are bald and ugly when they're just born? But they soon grown up and become petable and cute. I'm still working on how to genetically modify baby animals so they'll stay like that forever. If I figure it out, I'll let you know and we might have a business together.
