Wednesday 11 February 2009


My mother sent me a very stern email yesterday morning asking me to call her. I thought I was in trouble, but it turns out she was just worried about me after Monday's slightly depressive rant. I reassured her that it was all slightly tongue-in-gill as ever, and that really I am a happy lass. However, yesterday afternoon an event occurred that made me sink slightly below the parapet for real...

Laura and I were out jogging for the first time in ages, and were doing quite well, considering. We were about a minute from the office (and thus the end of our circuit) when we ran past two gentlemen who were, I estimated, in their sixties. 'Keep it up girls,' said one. I turned around to smile in gratitude at the words of encouragement, and as I did, he followed his opener with the immortal triptych: 'You need it.'

So that was nice. At the time I was almost in shock, and, with as much sarcasm as I could muster, said 'Thanks very much,' and ran on. Laura and I breathlessly compared notes on what had happened and she, I'm shocked to announce, used a fairly explicit expletive to describe her feelings about the man's comment. She seemed pretty unflustered and I tried to follow her lead. But even after I'd showered and changed, I still had to admit that he'd bothered me. It's not that I think I look gorgeous while I'm running. It's safe to say that the casting director for the opening credits of Baywatch would not need to trouble himself with my showreel. Thus there is little point denying that our commentator's words were factually accurate - I do need to keep running. And that's fine. However, in the meantime, I would like to kid myself that not everyone I run past is thinking 'Blimey, she'll need to keep that up for a couple of years if she wants to avoid insults.' I have never been heckled before and I didn't enjoy it. And coming as it did on top of a fairly hefty hormonal patch, I lacked the sense of humour to laugh it off altogether.

Last night I went home and watched Giant, which I thought was brilliant, although the highlight was probably my first ever double-sided DVD. What will they think of next?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous00:01

    Those idiots had no right to say anything to you! Besides, even if you do need to exercise that is your decision and random businessman have no right to insult you. If they have to tear you down to build themselves up then that speaks volumes about them, it has nothing to do with you. You're lovely!
