Wednesday 1 April 2009

Protest picks up speed...

After a quiet start, things seem to be happening down the road from where I sit, 9-5. We just had a leg of the protest wander past our building. Was fascinating to see the reactions of all the guys and girls in my office as the pallid people strolled along two storeys below. "We won't pay for your mess" read one banner, drawing lots of sarcastic remarks about the bankers paying for the benefits of the scroungers. "You sold us shit and said it was gold" read another, which, a few guys joked, was hard to argue with. Now 'comedian' Russell Brand has joined the other crowds outside the Bank, and I have to admit I am weakly impressed that he's actually got off his arse and gone along. For the most part, so far I feel like the protest is a bit pointless because it's not clear what they actually want. At least with things like Live Earth etc., the goals have been clear. This, I suppose, is just an unfocused protest about the current mess - people showing that they're not happy with the status quo. And of course, the very incoherency makes it true to life, since reality isn't organised and clear: it's disorganised and various. Which is all well and good - but Little Miss Practical here can't help feeling that the whole protest would be a lot more likely to have an effect if there were clearly defined goals. I'd like to see some more positive suggestions for the future - how about some banners with possible solutions? "Cut interest rates further", "No more City bonuses", "Tax transatlantic flights at 50%", "Russell Brand should wear less foundation" etc. Surely more helpful? Less fun though. And I'm not sure that anarchy is really about answers, is it. Viva la revolucion...

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