Wednesday 7 October 2009


I despair. I really, really do. As if the Shadow Chancellor's announcement that the Conservative government will save a whopping £7 billion over the course of their first term, while capping public servants earning more than £18k (less than the average UK wage), when Britain's debt currently stands at approx. £800 billion and we're paying more in interest than on education and policing combined, wasn't laughable enough, now they're offering every school the 'chance' to go private and they're going to bring in soldiers to police the classrooms. Oh, and they're going to demand ties. Apparently ties will change everything. I struggle not to spit out my lunch. They wore ties on Grange Hill, for god's sake, and I don't remember that school being a hive of discipline.

I suppose there's a part of me that should be relieved: maybe this wave of non-policies will mean that the Tories aren't such a shoe-in next May as they'd boasted. But the anger towards Brown is unrelenting (understandably). And the vast minority would be prepared to gamble their nation with a party as unprepared for government as the LibDems. As usual - but more fervently than ever - I don't think any of them deserve to make decisions on my behalf. I hate ID cards. I hate big business. I hate privatisation. I hate the death penalty. I hate big government. I hate red tape. I hate war. I love the NHS. I love euthanasia. I love state education. I love variety. I love freedom of speech. I love equality. I believe in the carrot, not the stick. I believe the children are our future. I believe when I fall in love with yooooooooooou it will be forever. Meh, whatever. The whole system's gone to pot. There's no point getting my knickers in a twist about it. [Untangles underwear and thinks about haircuts instead].

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