Friday 29 October 2010

Bla bla bllama

Thanks to everyone who commented on yesterday's blog. It appears that I have a lot of existential philosophers among my Faithful, as well as one who's a fan of hipster llamas. And it could be said that some people seem keen to comment without actually having read what I've written. Which is fine. Maybe I still didn't make myself clear. Whatevs. I remain, drifting meaninglessly through time, working to come to terms with that, and trying not to criticise myself 24/7. My desire to become content with my own averageness isn't being helped by several gorgeous friends who keep stoking my ego by telling me that they believe in me and think I really can do something important, valuable and out-of-the-ordinary with my time - even if it is forgotten ten seconds after I'm six feet under. And of course I've still got my parents, who couldn't be more supportive if they stood around wearing matching games skirts and waving pompoms. Plus I have recently received undeniable proof that approximately 78% of the last few days' panic and introspection was probably down to overactive hormones. ANYWAY. I have simultaneously managed to 1) buy Take That tickets and 2) watch the below (found thanks to the peerless B3ta), which made me smile. Hope you enjoy it. Bon weekend.

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