Monday 26 November 2007

Jane of all trades

The latest addition to my blog is the 'labels' function. This allows me to categorise each of my posts and file them according to type, and in turn it allows my beloved visitors to read past entries which deal with specific topics that they find interesting.

What has been geektastically fascinating about the labelling process has been going back through the 130-odd entries I've written over the last year, and seeing the ridiculous variety of subjects I've covered. Currently numbering about eighty, the list is basically a cross-section of my life over the past 12 months and, as such, is a fascinating insight into my head. For me.

I've always maintained that I am too paranoid about committing to any single hobby, field of knowledge or category for fear of missing out on others, and the breadth of the random subjects that have floated through my head is testament to my inability to focus well on a small cluster of important issues. It is a tragedy that all this spreading myself thinly doesn't actually affect my thighs.

There are some recurring themes, however: Fat, Jane = idiot, Jobs, Boredom and Commuting all feature highly, which, looking back over the past year, seems about an accurate summary. Maybe 2008 will spawn new labels like 'My best friend Madonna', 'My celebrity boyfriend' and 'Winning the lottery' but realistically, I predict 'Mortgage hell', 'Negative equity' and 'Mild alcoholism' are perhaps more likely to feature. Bring it on.

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